22 June 07 - Becky and I finally took a couple of days off to get away and see a few things. There were some good packages at casinos on the Cal/Nev state line so we decided to explore in that direction. I used to hunt in the New York Mountains out of Baker and friends had told us about a new desert museum up that way. They have restored an old depot in Kelso and it is now a museum!! We stopped for a few hours and really enjoyed what they have done. Great job of restoration (as you can see) and I discovered several things about the desert in that area I either had forgotten or never knew. They will soon have a small cafe decorated in a 50's decor in addition to all the displays. If you are ever out that way on the LA to Vegas freeway, turn at Baker on KelBaker road and see for yourself. It is well worth the trip.
We went on into Baker for lunch and then drove several miles out into the desert looking for Horse Thief Springs (kids great grandparents had a ranch there in the 70's) but the roads had changed so much I finally gave up and turned back. Perhaps another time.
Traveling on to stateline we found three different casinos/hotels and had a nice time just exploring. Becky managed to find her luck and made enough at the slots to pay for our stay, gas, meals while I donated $20 back to the casino!!!
Back into California and across the desert to Searchlight and on to Bullhead City. We used to travel to Bullhead to ski in the Colorado River back in the 60's/70's but it looks nothing like it did then!!!! The only thing I could find that resembled what I remembered was the river!! Never mind, I have changed a bit too. We traveled on down the river toward Needles, CA continuing to note how much had changed. They have pretty well populated the land along the river and have even branched away from the river in places.
We hit old Route 66 to make our way back toward 29 Palms and found the two scenes below. The 'tennis shoe' tree was in the middle of nowhere and must be there for those who lose their way in the desert and need a new pair of shoes to continue. I didn't make a close examination but from the numbers, I'm sure you can find a size/style to suit you. Further along we found this service station/motel, etc. It is a small reminder of what 66 looked like in the 50's before the Interstate was built. I miss it.