This is the view from the front of our rig as we sit in our lounge chairs in the morning enjoying our cup of tea.

Some of our neighbors on the hill surrounding us enjoy the same view but chose to invest a little more in their place to enjoy it!!!

I walked down to the water's edge the other morning to catch this shot of sunrise coming up over the dam. Cloudy days bring out the camera to capture shots like thses.

Signs like these preserve our 'private park' while it undergoes repairs to the damage caused by flooding that raised the water level 30 feet above flood pool level.

Our picnic table and path up to the rig and our vantage point to watch lake traffic each morning.

When the Corp of Engineers built the dam they put in these concrete walls as part of the overflow area. They attracted graffitti for several years until a civic project was begun to paint a huge mural on it. 'Artists' came from all over the US to participate. In reality it was a huge 'paint-by-numbers' project after the design was outlined in black and created in minature.

A couple of the panels are depicted here.

A trip to nearby Salado was a short diversion. This bridge was relocated to the city and now serves as a pedestrian bridge over a small stream. Beautiful old bridge.

Not too far up the street after crossing the bridge this house has found a use for all those old bicycles. Not sure I would wnat a fence like this around my house but it certainly is different.

Remember the old troll and billy goat gruff? Well I found him at the other end of the bridge. Now it seems like he was supposed to be UNDER the bridge but perhaps I am mistaken.

In case trolls are not your 'cup of tea' how about a human sized rabbit? You certainly find the strangest things wondering around the neighborhood.

And finally a rainbow with a difference. This one was very high in the sky and showed no sign of reaching the ground. How are you supposed to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if it never reaches the ground?