This how it looked when Bill gave it to Becky. Notice in particular the ragged edges on the bottom and bottom right, the discoloration of the sky, street and buildings and that when room is left for framing, the street sign, artist signature and painting name must be relocated.

I decided to play with some digital 'enhancement' to get an idea of what Becky would want it to look like (under her direction, of course). This is what looked to be the best option for the final 'size'.

This was one option for moving such key elements as the street sign, signature, electric pole, etc.

This was another option plus I made an attempt at some digital cleanup on the bad spots on the street.

Then the artist took over and this is a progress shot. Yes, I know the 'real thing' is much better than my feeble digital attempts but at least it gave us an idea!!! By comparing the photo above, the one opposite and the one below you can see the evolution of this rather special painting.

Here is the finished product as delivered to Bill and is ready for framing.

Bill and Becky discussed frame options and this is the painting back on a wall in Bill's Basement game room. We are all very pleased with the whole project. Well done Becky and Bill!!!