Bill took us up to the highest point in Austin to a great overlook of Lake Austin. As you can see Austin has a few folks who had more money than anyone really needs and chose to put a little of it into a 'cabin on the lake'. I doubt that too many of these are part of the 'foreclosure' issue - well who knows?

I was not able to really capture the essence of Bill's house on our last visit so thought I would try again. Just to keep you from becoming bored, I have also included the two Bill's fishing trip to Baja and Bill the Younger's big catch. The three of us are more than a little competitive so have to give him the credit publicly of catching the biggest fish. Bill the Elder and I are not conceding the title for all time - he is just temporily in the lead.

I tried to portray Bill's saltwater aquarium the last time we visited and was not happy with the result. These do a little better job but it is still one of those 'you had to be there' things.