Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Matthew and Mommy Interact
30 December 2007 - Now THIS is entertainment.
There is just something about a mother & child 'bonding' moment.
There is just something about a mother & child 'bonding' moment.
Mother and Baby doing fine
30 December 2007 - One of the wonderful things about being a grandparent is watching your kids BE the parent you tried to prepare them to be (but always felt you were a little short of accomplishing). Alright, I had nothing to do with Lori's preparation but she is still my kid now and I still enjoy watching her be such a great mom to Matthew. As Becky and I have observed Dave and Lori with our treasure we could not hope for him to be in better hands - they are wonderful with him and we can leave (boo-hoo) knowing he will always receive the love and care we want for him
Lori and Matthew showing off their communication skills with each other.
Although it is now easy for us all to get to smile big these days, as soon as he sees the camera he becomes very serious so I had to resort to these shots 'from the sidelines'.
You have to watch the following movie to hear the sound effects, but take my word for it, Matthew is definitely into 'verbal' communication now.
Just one more shot of Mother and Child - well for this session anyway.

Lori and Matthew showing off their communication skills with each other.

Although it is now easy for us all to get to smile big these days, as soon as he sees the camera he becomes very serious so I had to resort to these shots 'from the sidelines'.

You have to watch the following movie to hear the sound effects, but take my word for it, Matthew is definitely into 'verbal' communication now.

Just one more shot of Mother and Child - well for this session anyway.
Uncle James & Aunt Cheryl come to visit
30 December 2007 - As the year comes to an end, James and Cheryl prepare to head back to the cold lands of Missouri and the family gathers to enjoy Matthew and each other for the last time for this get-together. A competitive game of Sequence was used to occupy those not entertaining Matthew and a few photo ops were in order.
Dave, James and dad took on a few more house projects to help the new parents. Here James and Dave wrap up the last item (shelving in the garage) before having our farewell dinner.
Matthew takes a trial journey with grandpa to see what the future will bring.
Uncle James demonstrates his entertainment skills - Matthew will definitely have a 'change of pace' with this Uncle!!
Yes, Uncle James CAN sit quietly with his nephew - it's just that neither of them really like it!

Dave, James and dad took on a few more house projects to help the new parents. Here James and Dave wrap up the last item (shelving in the garage) before having our farewell dinner.

Matthew takes a trial journey with grandpa to see what the future will bring.

Uncle James demonstrates his entertainment skills - Matthew will definitely have a 'change of pace' with this Uncle!!

Yes, Uncle James CAN sit quietly with his nephew - it's just that neither of them really like it!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Matthew's Baptism
25 December 2007 - Merry Christmas to all of you!! We hope and trust you are having a good day and taking time to celebrate the birth of our Lord in addition to enjoying your family and other gifts. We are experiencing a very different Christmas for us in that the temperature is around 80 degrees!! Last year in the California desert we were in the 40's with no humidity and here we wake up to 70's with 95 percent humidity!! Oh well, as they say - 'It's all good!'
Matthew's baptism went off without a hitch and he was, as usual, the center of attention. All his grandparents, great grantparent, uncles and aunts (save one - we missed you Amy) were on hand to share in his day and compete with his parents for 'holding rights'. Carrie was much to polite and suffered accordingly in the competition. You must learn to be more agressive, Carrie!!!
Godparents and parents receive their charge from Father Joe.
The baptism is complete and Matthew notes he does not like the water very much.
The newly baptised baby is presented to the congregation.
Father Joe speaking to the parents.
The happy parents with Matthew
More Dave and Lori with our Matthew
Father Joe joins Lori and Dave standing with Matthew.
James and Carrie - Godparents - join Dave and Lori with Matthew.
Matthew in his baptism 'dress' which his mom wore at her baptism.
Matthew really did not want to 'look at the birdy'.
As you can see, Matthew was not impressed with all the fuss and attention he received.
All the family went out for a meal afterward (Matt is an honorary part of the family) and celebrated our Matty's baptism.
The Culver girls always make such a good photo who can pass up an opportunity to include one! Dad Glenn looks on.
Great-grandmother takes over the 'duty' from Uncle Tommy as dad looks on.
Matthew's baptism went off without a hitch and he was, as usual, the center of attention. All his grandparents, great grantparent, uncles and aunts (save one - we missed you Amy) were on hand to share in his day and compete with his parents for 'holding rights'. Carrie was much to polite and suffered accordingly in the competition. You must learn to be more agressive, Carrie!!!

Godparents and parents receive their charge from Father Joe.

The baptism is complete and Matthew notes he does not like the water very much.

The newly baptised baby is presented to the congregation.

Father Joe speaking to the parents.

The happy parents with Matthew

More Dave and Lori with our Matthew

Father Joe joins Lori and Dave standing with Matthew.

James and Carrie - Godparents - join Dave and Lori with Matthew.

Matthew in his baptism 'dress' which his mom wore at her baptism.

Matthew really did not want to 'look at the birdy'.

As you can see, Matthew was not impressed with all the fuss and attention he received.

All the family went out for a meal afterward (Matt is an honorary part of the family) and celebrated our Matty's baptism.

The Culver girls always make such a good photo who can pass up an opportunity to include one! Dad Glenn looks on.

Great-grandmother takes over the 'duty' from Uncle Tommy as dad looks on.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Matty Swings!
I have decided to try putting video on the Blog as it is much easier to capture Matty's facial expression with video than 'stills'. Just push Play to see him go into motion.!!!!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Matthew in December
4 December 2007 - Matthew continues to grow and do more 'baby things' for us. Thought I better keep all of you updated on what we are doing these days with our little pride and joy.

Becky shows the proper technique for holding him

Closeup of Matthew in his swing.

Matthew's favorite person in the whole world (Daddy is second but only because Mommy has the magic of feeding him!)

Becky demonstrates her magic touch of putting him to sleep when no one else seems able to. She won't give me the secret - says she wants some magic all her on!!!

Becky shows the proper technique for holding him

Closeup of Matthew in his swing.

Matthew's favorite person in the whole world (Daddy is second but only because Mommy has the magic of feeding him!)

Becky demonstrates her magic touch of putting him to sleep when no one else seems able to. She won't give me the secret - says she wants some magic all her on!!!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Crawfords and Sand
25 November 2007 - An 80 degree F Thanksgiving is not exactly what we are accustomed to but it was very special as we were able to spend it with Matthew and his extended family. The Florida Crawfords and the Traveling Crawfords were invited to share the day with Lori's Uncle Tom and Aunt Sharon here in Florida and the food was much too tasty (for my weight control program). I did manage to try the delicious food only one time around and am doing damage control for the rest of the week. Thanks once more to Tom and Sharon for sharing their home. They had hosted the rehearsal dinner for Dave and Lori's wedding a couple of years ago and it was good to see them again.
The only thing missing for Becky and I was our 'Missouri Kids' - James and Missey but at least we managed to share the holidays with both of them during our last couple of years in Lebanon.
The photos:
Lori captured Matthew's first Thanksgiving, took the obligatory Three Dave's photos and captured Matthew in a very alert pose which is becoming much more common these days.
They are followed by two more Sandcastle photos which I thought worthy of a post.
Hope all of our friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had as much to be thankful for as the Crawfords did - and remembered to give that thanks!
There is no such thing as a 'bad' photo of Matthew.
There were three Dave Crawfords born in the 20th century (the first just barely missed the 19th century) and now the first one in the 21st century. Please note that Crawford the Middle is not sharing Crawford the Younger with Crawford the Elder.
At least there is an improvement in looks in the younger generations (more to be thankful for!).
Matthew is really growing now. Notice how intent he is watching Becky and how much longer he looks! Now if he will only meet us at the door!!!!! (just dreaming)
Indian Brave
From here to Infinity
The only thing missing for Becky and I was our 'Missouri Kids' - James and Missey but at least we managed to share the holidays with both of them during our last couple of years in Lebanon.
The photos:
Lori captured Matthew's first Thanksgiving, took the obligatory Three Dave's photos and captured Matthew in a very alert pose which is becoming much more common these days.
They are followed by two more Sandcastle photos which I thought worthy of a post.
Hope all of our friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had as much to be thankful for as the Crawfords did - and remembered to give that thanks!
There is no such thing as a 'bad' photo of Matthew.
There were three Dave Crawfords born in the 20th century (the first just barely missed the 19th century) and now the first one in the 21st century. Please note that Crawford the Middle is not sharing Crawford the Younger with Crawford the Elder.
At least there is an improvement in looks in the younger generations (more to be thankful for!).

Matthew is really growing now. Notice how intent he is watching Becky and how much longer he looks! Now if he will only meet us at the door!!!!! (just dreaming)

Indian Brave

From here to Infinity
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sleepy Time
18 November 2007 - As our little Matthew is one month old!!!! we captured him in his favorite sleeping position. As if he was not already small enough he likes to get in his 'football' (as in no bigger than) pose to sleep. He does the same thing when laying on you as he sleeps but it is much more obvious when he is in his bed.
Don't bother me when I'm 'In the Zone'.

Don't bother me when I'm 'In the Zone'.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Matthew Rules!
13 November 2007 - It is once again time to show off our grandson, Matthew. He continues to do well and is changing almost every time we see him (sometimes 2 or 3 days go by without a 'fix', can you imagine?). Mom and dad continue to report interrupted sleep and periods of fussiness but don't ask Becky and me for verification on that!!!!
I have noticed that you might be excused for thinking Matthew was actually a 'pumpkin patch' or 'stork' baby so thought I better post a photo with mom so all could see where he gets his good looks and beautiful personality. For those who don't know, this is Lori who continues to be so good about sharing her bundle of joy. Thank you again, Lori.
Notice how he is already paying close attention to grandpa and trying to follow along on one of grandpa's long answers to the most simple of questions. Finally someone who appreciates me!!
Well so he can only handle so much of a good thing. Perhaps as he gets older.
Grandpa, can you go over that last bit just once more?
This is actually a sneeze coming up. Faces always come with the hiccups and sneezes.
His eyes are SO much more open and alert these days. Excuse the 'knees' with scars but Matthew and I like this position as he has support, is sitting up somewhat and I can watch his expressions.
Time for a nap. He always looks so small when he curls up and is wrapped up for his nap

I have noticed that you might be excused for thinking Matthew was actually a 'pumpkin patch' or 'stork' baby so thought I better post a photo with mom so all could see where he gets his good looks and beautiful personality. For those who don't know, this is Lori who continues to be so good about sharing her bundle of joy. Thank you again, Lori.

Notice how he is already paying close attention to grandpa and trying to follow along on one of grandpa's long answers to the most simple of questions. Finally someone who appreciates me!!

Well so he can only handle so much of a good thing. Perhaps as he gets older.

Grandpa, can you go over that last bit just once more?

This is actually a sneeze coming up. Faces always come with the hiccups and sneezes.


His eyes are SO much more open and alert these days. Excuse the 'knees' with scars but Matthew and I like this position as he has support, is sitting up somewhat and I can watch his expressions.

Time for a nap. He always looks so small when he curls up and is wrapped up for his nap
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sandsculpture in Ft. Myers Beach, Part Two
11 November 2007 - The sculptures were clustered in two groups behind two hotels which were about 1/4 mile apart so you not only got to enjoy the sand sculpture but got your exercise at the same time!!!
Now that I have the reader accustomed to seeing the comments above the photo, I will put them on the bottom of the photo since that is the way most normal people do them.
Welcome to to Ft. Myers Beach Sand Sculpture Contest
This guy/gal must have really been a fast worker as they were not currently working on their piece and, as you can see, it is not exactly a simple one! I did not notice it had a bit of a 'lean' at the top when I took the photo.
Another shot of Disney theme.
The back side of the Aviator - this being Veterans Day weekend, this artist honors our country's vets.
Wild Kingdom. Although I am not sure what all this included in the final look, the alligator and elephant were well along.
Perhaps we could call this one 'Let Sleeping Bears Lie'. She had certainly come up with a design that eliminated working at any height!
Back to another shot of the Disney piece. He had a lot of characters in his work.
It amazes me how sculptures come up with designs which 'blend' parts of the work to provide structural support. Wonder if all sculptures have to have a little bit of engineer in them? Well, perhaps a lot of engineer come to think of it.
This artist has used a theme just for us. Becky particularly enjoyed this one and had me send Glynda a copy.
The other side of our Indian and his horse.
Finally, a real CASTLE - moat and all!!!!
A symbol of our existence surrounded by Infinity.
Who would have thought you could work with such small detail in SAND!! I still don't know what holds the little fellow up. The finishing touches make the sand VERY smooth.
Every castle needs a dragon, right?
It may not be Mt. Olympus but they did have Greek God/Goddesses.
If you were going under you would probably have YOUR mouth open too!!
Abandon ship!!! This was done in honor of the Lifeboat Crews along the coast.
These are Greek god/goddesses. Notice the grandmother goddess looking on.
I never figured out how this artist managed to do all of the upper work as I did not see a ladder anywhere. Perhaps he just started at the top and worked his way down?
This was an 'Infinity' symbol depicting a 'Here to Infinity' theme.
Don't let the baby fall off!!!
This one was most notable for how perfectly round it was and how they achieved the smoothness of all the surfaces.
This one depicts two pirates at the 'negotiation table'.
Here is is putting the legs of the table in with great detail. Hope you enjoyed the work!!!!
Now that I have the reader accustomed to seeing the comments above the photo, I will put them on the bottom of the photo since that is the way most normal people do them.

Welcome to to Ft. Myers Beach Sand Sculpture Contest

This guy/gal must have really been a fast worker as they were not currently working on their piece and, as you can see, it is not exactly a simple one! I did not notice it had a bit of a 'lean' at the top when I took the photo.

Another shot of Disney theme.

The back side of the Aviator - this being Veterans Day weekend, this artist honors our country's vets.

Wild Kingdom. Although I am not sure what all this included in the final look, the alligator and elephant were well along.

Perhaps we could call this one 'Let Sleeping Bears Lie'. She had certainly come up with a design that eliminated working at any height!

Back to another shot of the Disney piece. He had a lot of characters in his work.

It amazes me how sculptures come up with designs which 'blend' parts of the work to provide structural support. Wonder if all sculptures have to have a little bit of engineer in them? Well, perhaps a lot of engineer come to think of it.

This artist has used a theme just for us. Becky particularly enjoyed this one and had me send Glynda a copy.

The other side of our Indian and his horse.

Finally, a real CASTLE - moat and all!!!!

A symbol of our existence surrounded by Infinity.

Who would have thought you could work with such small detail in SAND!! I still don't know what holds the little fellow up. The finishing touches make the sand VERY smooth.

Every castle needs a dragon, right?

It may not be Mt. Olympus but they did have Greek God/Goddesses.

If you were going under you would probably have YOUR mouth open too!!

Abandon ship!!! This was done in honor of the Lifeboat Crews along the coast.

These are Greek god/goddesses. Notice the grandmother goddess looking on.

I never figured out how this artist managed to do all of the upper work as I did not see a ladder anywhere. Perhaps he just started at the top and worked his way down?

This was an 'Infinity' symbol depicting a 'Here to Infinity' theme.

Don't let the baby fall off!!!

This one was most notable for how perfectly round it was and how they achieved the smoothness of all the surfaces.

This one depicts two pirates at the 'negotiation table'.

Here is is putting the legs of the table in with great detail. Hope you enjoyed the work!!!!
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