30 December 2007 - One of the wonderful things about being a grandparent is watching your kids BE the parent you tried to prepare them to be (but always felt you were a little short of accomplishing). Alright, I had nothing to do with Lori's preparation but she is still my kid now and I still enjoy watching her be such a great mom to Matthew. As Becky and I have observed Dave and Lori with our treasure we could not hope for him to be in better hands - they are wonderful with him and we can leave (boo-hoo) knowing he will always receive the love and care we want for him
Lori and Matthew showing off their communication skills with each other.
Although it is now easy for us all to get to smile big these days, as soon as he sees the camera he becomes very serious so I had to resort to these shots 'from the sidelines'.
You have to watch the following movie to hear the sound effects, but take my word for it, Matthew is definitely into 'verbal' communication now.
Just one more shot of Mother and Child - well for this session anyway.
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