This is the front of Bill's house but these two photos do not do it justice. I'll try again the next time we are down. Bill designed the house himself (well Janie may have helped a little) and acted as his own general contractor during its construction. He even did some of the work himself! Not sure how he found the time with all the time he spends at work being an ER doctor!

This is his fireplace. The painting sitting on the fireplace is one Bill acquired down in the Keys which was painted by a friend of his and is of local scenes near the house Bill has there. It was in very bad condition and Becky had done considerable restoration work on it for him. It really turned out well and was another 'first' for her - not that she is thinking about taking on restoration as another hobby!!.

The rest of the photos are of the interior of Bill's house, the table set for one of our non-Thanksgiving meals (I was too busy enjoying the meal and fellowship on Thanksgiving to take photos!!! - sorry Janie/Becky). I even got a shot of Bill and Bill at the BBQ as they prepared steaks for all of us. My role was consultant and I performed it flawlessly. Good job Bill's - if you need a recommendation just give me a call.

This is another photo I will attempt again. Bill has put in a saltwater aquarium and it is really coming together. I did not realize how hard it was to get everything just right for the coral, fish, etc. Turns out it is not only making the right choices in fish, coral, etc. plus the correct salinity but one of the hardest items is getting the correct amount of light. It's all coming together!!!
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