This is just one of the sunsets we enjoyed over the water. The mountains blocked sunrises but the sunsets made up for it (besides, who wants to get up for summer sunrises!!).

The name of the bay just down from the resort was called Pelican Bay. Any idea how it came by that name?

The entrance to the resort. One of the cabins is in the background.

OK now, everyone stay in line and no one swim ahead!!
Having lived in the Mojave desert for a number of years I have a pretty good idea of what a desert is like. However, my image of a green Oregon and the Pacific Ocean never conjured up a vision of a desert!! A couple of years ago Becky and I wintered in the California 'High Desert' and then we drove up to Bend, Oregon and what do we find but the Oregon 'High Desert'. Oh the joy of traveling!
Another educational experience was the west coast Indian way of life. Here they have used reeds to cover there houses instead of the more common hide covering we know in the east and midwest.
Of all the things we might learn from our animal friends, I like this one the best!!!
I took this one at the museum for son Dave to use in his 3rd grade class showing how the early settlers converted 'horse power' into rotary power. The horse goes around in circles and the shaft turns to drive various machinery.
I don't know about the rest of you but I ALWAYS confuse these two so when I saw this sign I just had to capture it for later referral. Hope it helps you too.
Ever since Becky took up quilting we have made quite a few stops on our travels that involved quilting. This was our stop in Bend and they had such a neat sign I felt obligated to take a photo. Becky would have been in the photo but she was too busy shopping inside!!!!
A few months before visiting Bend we celebrated the birth of our beautiful new little girl. How could I pass up this sign advertising her name!!!
Having read quite a bit of history of the reed boats made by our early ancestors across the ocean (in which they CROSSED the ocean) I was quite intriqued by these boats constructed by the Indians in Oregon. Did the design cross with early man or was it 're-discovered' here?
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