Monday, July 12, 2010

Around Suttons Bay

We were off to 'the city' today (Traverse type) to do a little shopping and have the truck serviced.

Along the way we stopped to pick some raspberries. We picked about a quart and as we were paying for them I noticed this hollyhock. It is a real beauty don't you think?

This is what they look like up close.

Before we went I had to capture the 'fruits' of Becky's labor yesterday. Since we can have all the cherries we want just by picking them she could not resist trying her hand at cherry preserves. This was her first venture into home canning and the results were outstanding!

First you start with a bunch of cherries - note there are two varieties shown. In reality, these are both a variety of 'sweet' cherries and the preserves are made from 'tart' cherries but Becky had these spread out to dry and I couldn't resist a photo.

These are the 'tart' cherries. They are slightly smaller, more perfectly round and, to me, a brighter red. Much easier to tell the difference by taste!!!!

After using the 'pitter' (see photo above) and mashing, adding sugar and pectin and then cooking, you get these.

And up close and personal with a jar of Becky's finest.

We also stopped along the shores of Lake Michigan to capture photos of some of the sailing vessels that ply the waters here.

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