Monday, August 14, 2006

Misc Fulda Shots

This is a former manure spreader Dick and his friend, Larry, are converting into a Parade Wagon for Dick's mules to pull. It will really look great when finished. Doesn't it somehow seem appropriate for Dick to have a manure spreader for a wagon?
The banner is typical of those around town. They are officially the home of the wood duck - festival and all. Becky thought they meant a 'wooden' duck when she first heard it. Being in a small town like Fulda, who knows?
When you see stakes on the fire hydrants as in the next photo, this Southern boy is way too far north. Same goes for another sign we saw up here "Snowmobile Route". Follow the birds, folks. They are smarter than us humans!
The last picture is of Becky putting the final touches on the Johnson Place sign shown earlier. Thank goodness for her steady hands.

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