Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mitchell SD to Wall SD

23 August 06 - We left Mitchell to travel the 200 or so miles to Wall. These photos give an idea of what much of western SD are like along I-90. I'm not sure how far you can see but it must be a L-O-N-G way. The sky started out clear but changed as we traveled west. We have been told that the wind ALWAYS blows in SD and our neighbor in Mitchell says they don't even call it a wind until it goes beyond 25 mph - winds of 150 mph are fairly common! True to form, the wind came up as we traveled west and for the first time we had the RV steps blow down (open up) while we were traveling! Bungee cord to the rescue. Only crop we saw was sunflowers - only about 2 feet high! The third photo shows the wide open spaces and the clouds building and the last one shows the front - fortunately it missed us to the south!

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